Re: [Ekiga-list] SIP interoperability

On Sat, 06 Nov 2010 18:07:05 +0100
Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> wrote:

> I completely agree with you.  Unfortunately, I do not (yet) have enough 
> knowledge in NAT and network access.  Moreover, we need to know 
> *precisely* what the error each person has, in order to either fix the 
> error, or add a string explaining the error to the user.
> Finally, the urgent thing right now is to make a new unstable release, 
> so the regressions compared to the stable release are priority (in my 
> opinion, it is what I work on).

Hi Eugen,

I understand that there are other priorities. If I have an opportunity to put my hands on a Windows machine that is unable to run Ekiga, I will try to do some debugging.
Best regards,

Antonio Palamà

 <palama inwind it>

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