Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga freezing on start-up

Pete Dixon wrote:
Could you send us the gdb backtrace, cf.

You know, I tried! I was able to follow  the instructions re debugging but
now when I deliberately make errors with the account information I can't get
it to freeze. Go figure.

Definitely part of the issue was I didn't understand that the Assistant was
duplicating the accounts each time it was run. I was putting in the correct
information but the system was still using the older, incorrect entries. The

Tell us how the duplicated entries appear, what do you type in the assistant. We could fix that (if it's a bug).

freezing? Maybe I put something bad in like the SIP address instead of my
Ekiga username.

I've made a few long distance calls successfully now. The call quality is
fair to poor though. I'll keep on experimenting with the settings. I think
the issue before was the MIC was set far too high blasting the callee with
static. I also can't yet receive calls yet on the Toronto number I

Big progress tho. Tx!

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