[Ekiga-list] Ekiga freezing on start-up

Hi guys, this is my first post to the list.

I'm trying to set up Ekiga. I've made a few calls semi-successfully last week and am back again trying with a new headset and knowledge of aumix to better control the volume. I'm using PCLinuxOS 09.

I've bought a Diamond subscription and my calls last week were long distance so I have or had that part right.

I think my issue is getting the IDs right in the configuration assistant. The issue is Ekiga is freezing permanently after finishing the assistant. I assume I'm entering the wrong information but I can't figure out what.

I believe my user name is: dixonpete. The password is clearly indicated from the Ekiga password reminder email.

The Diamond card info seems to be clearly indicated as well:

Account Information
Signup date :30.06.2009
Account Id :xxxxxxx
PIN code :xxxxxxxxxxx

What am I missing?


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