Re: Silent install of Easytag on Windows

Thank you for reply, David.

Hmm, are you using the old Windows installer (2.1.6?) for your package? I have done some work on making current EasyTAG versions work on Windows, together with a rewritten (NSIS) installer:

I am hoping that this work will be completed for the 2.1.9 release, which is coming along well.

We're using these:
for Easytag:
for GTK+:
It should be possible, and not too difficult, to add silent installation support to the next version of the installer.

Cool, let's wait for it's release.
Do you have any other requirements, or maybe some guidelines on how to produce a "perfect installer" or something similar?

Sorry, no. But You could read this one: .
In theory it will be nice, if installer doesn't open browser, show any message or ask any question during installation.

Best regards!

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