Re: DIA export to svg without my extended attributes

Am 08.01.2015 um 06:58 schrieb Doru Motas:
Of coarse, I tried both. Attached Cairo svg.
With PyDia there are _three_ SVG exporters available with Dia:
 1) Cairo SVG: optimized for best visual appearance
 2) (Standard) SVG: optimized for diagram exchange
 3) "Plain SVG" ( the most hackable SVG exporter with Dia

No results.

Given that your extended attributes have no specified meaning with SVG I wonder what results you were expecting. The following code snippet pasted into [1] method draw_object should dump the custom attributes to an SVG comment (after fixing the indentation):

                # dump custom attributes from shapes
ext_attrs_keys = filter (lambda k : string.find (k, "custom:") == 0,
                if len(ext_attrs_keys) :
                        self.f.write('<!-- Custom attributes:\n')
                        for k in ext_attrs_keys :
                                self.f.write ("\t%s=%s\n" % (k[7:], str([k].value)))

Please note what I want solve:

  * to create a diagram using my custom shapes with extended attributes
    in Properties
  * to export the diagram in whatever format. Using this export file I
    need to able to reconstruct  the shapes and to exploit their
    attributes in my application.

If you are just interested in the text representation [2] might help.

Previously I used svg export from Visio to do this, but I am ready to try
what you propose to me in order to solve my problem.

In DIA Q&A I found a question similar to mine but I didn't understood the

Steffen gave a brief example to access custom ("extended") properties from Python. The same thing is used above.



-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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