Hello Steve!Apologies for not sharing what I found, I thought everyone on the list knows :)Basically, after dissecting the original .DIA file Hans linked me to, I figured out that the relationships like 1:1, 1:N etc, were defined as properties of the RELATIONSHIP objects!In my opinion, this is far from trivial, especially that it is not explained in the documentation.What I meant about cardinality, I have drawn in red color in the following picture, so you can see it without misunderstanding what I mean.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9asujpcd6o50nve/2013-05-06%2023.43.38.pngPlease note how this relationship relates to 3 entities - currently in Dia, I have not found a way to set more than 2.Finally a small (really small!) thing: When I double click an object to open its properties (usually only to write its name for start), it would make sense that hitting 'Enter' key, would press ok and close the properties window, without switching hand to mouse to do it - it will streamline the initial design phase :)I hope I've been clear, and provided some constructive ideas/questions :)Genadi.On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Steve Litt <slitt troubleshooters com> wrote:On Mon, 6 May 2013 00:22:12 +0300I must be missing something. I do diagrams like that all the time. I
Genadi Saltikov <carmageddon gmail com> wrote:
> Thanks for the desire to help Alejandro, but this is missing the
> point, I specifically wanted ER Diagrams like here:
> http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/920/20130505111142.jpg
didn't understand your original question, nor the responses of most of
the people, but it sounds to me like you want lines, either straight or
"jaggie" between the boxes, circles, etc. Those are connectors, and
there's an implied connection point in the center of every box,
circle, etc.
So please share. What was the hangup, and how did you get around it?
> Thankfully, Hans has also replied to me giving me a link to the
> original diagram I missed, and from this I figured out how it works!
> Thanks Hans! :)
Do you mean which way the arrows go on the lines, or are you talking
> Only thing that might be missing (and not sure yet whether it is
> needed, will see later) - is the capability to assign more than just
> left or right "Cardinality", as you call it - what if I want to
> assign a relationship to more than two Cardinalities?
about something else, and if so, what?
Steve Litt * http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training * Human Performance
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