Re: Non-transparent <textbox> background for custom shapes - possible?

At 09.09.2011 16:16, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, discussions about usage and development of dia!

HB>  But if you want an opaque textbox with shapes - like the draw background
HB>  option of Standard - Text - that's indeed not possible with resize="no".

:/ That not sounds very good.
Should I add it as an enhancement request to the tracker?
Feel free. However I do not have a good idea yet, how to add this to the custom shape properties without breaking backward compatibility. The "draw background" option is already used there to decide about 'normal' filling.
Or is there a workaround? Like, can I add a subshape with textbox and
resize=yes to work around a problem?

I don't think so after briefly looking at the source (objects/custom/custom_object.c). The user editable text in custom shapes is rendered independently of subshapes.
A shape design without <textbox resize="no"/> seems to be the best option, 
but that would probably give you more background than you want ...
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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