Re: Dia: Why is it so hard to do simple things? dia-list Digest, Vol 89, Issue 7

At 09.09.2011 11:00, Edheldil wrote:
On 09/08/2011 11:29 PM, Michael Ross wrote:
It is worth noting that many people like this software and work productively
with it who did not write it.

[ To nobody in particular ]

I have been a Dia user for quite a long time, even tried to create a new
tool for it ( , if you are
More interesting than the screenshot would be the patch ;)

The fact is, Dia lacks many needed features and has annoying bugs and
Care to be more specific? Of course there is much room for improvement, but I tried to eliminate many of the annoying bugs over the last years.

What's worse, its development is at best crawling at snail's
pace, so the above mentioned problems have been there for many years.
What are these "above mentioned problems"?
 - Defaults of UML shapes leading to huge elements?
 => all the UML Style defaults can be changed by the user

 - Changing multiple object properties at once?
 => was one of the main improvements of Dia 0.97

 - [...]
 => see other answers in this same thread

Working with Dia is often frustrating because of that.

Reading the Dia list is often frustrating because of contributions like
"Why is it so hard to do simple things?" without even bothering to
take a brief look into the manual.

Sorry, I'm highly biased because I'm using and contributing to Dia for years. So I probably avoid some of the common pitfalls without even thinking about them.

To make this post a bit more constructive: maybe it would be helpful to
have an ideas / wishlist / TODO page on the wiki, something that a
would-be contributor could use as a starting point.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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