Re: Patch for Delete key behavior (for dia-0.96.1)

On 27.09.2007 18:14, Lars Clausen wrote:
On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 12:00 -0400, Michael Ross wrote:

On 9/27/07, Hans Breuer <hans breuer org > wrote:
        At least Esc would confuse me if it is the key to leave text
        editing mode
        without also reverting the last text edit.

Because other programs have used Esc to abort things, I will often hit
it as one of several last resorts with programs I am just learning.  


Esc is very easy to find with the left hand.  Shift+Esc could be a
useful alternative, but small hands than mine might find it
uncomfortable.  Laptops are a different story.  There are always
problems because there are different hands and different habits.. 

Agreed, Esc is for leaving what you're stuck inside.  Both Emacs and vi
agree on that one:)  Not sure what program has text edit revert on it.

As Sameer already noted: Nautilus as well as Explorer. But there the text
editing has a further meaning, i.e. renaming a file.

I've looked at my two reference vector programs (Inkscape and Designer) and
both agree on not reverting your test changes but just ending text mode and
enter selection mode.

Both programs have dedicated text editing modes. But the default of
selecting a text object is just the selection. In contrast to Dia they
allow to modify the size/shape of the text object though. But maybe Dia
will learn this as well some far day in the future ;)
And a second click changes from transformation to rotation mode.

The second related thing where both programs agree is that *double
clicking* of a selected text object does enter text editing. And clicking
outside of the object ends it.

So I think we should try to follow the examples of other vector editors and
 don't try to be like Nautilus.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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