Re: Patch for Delete key behavior (for dia-0.96.1)

Maciej Jaros wrote:
Before you all start killing for this ;). You can change the behaviour 
of Dia for yourself. It is quite simple though not documented anywhere 
on Dia pages (it should!).

Just run (under Windows):
notepad %USERPROFILE%\.dia\menurc

; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/display-actions/EditDelete" "Delete")

(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/display-actions/EditDelete" "<Control>Delete")
Oh, so the leading semicolon is *not* part of the syntax (I thought gtk
simply skips the semicolon token by looking at the gtk code, but I guess
by token they mean the whole line). Thus my patch is unnecessary. This
should be mentioned in Dia FAQ, and also items 9 and 10 (changing the
accels in menu) don't work for me (neither Linux nor Windows).

BTW I think that a nicer workaround would be to have a working Delete 
key for removing any objects unless some text is active. If some text is 
active (a cursor is visible) then use delete normally and Ctrl+Delete 
for removing objects.
I could make such patch, it is not so hard; though lots of objects have
text in them, so most of the time you'd be using Ctrl+Del (since
clicking an object with text gives focus to the text immediately) and
Delete just a few times. Which is IMHO more confusing.

O. Mikle

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