Re: 0.96.1

Hash: RIPEMD160

Dear Steffen!

Steffen Macke wrote:
In case there are DLLs missing, please also try the following GTK+
Runtime Environment installer and report the status here on the mailing list:

Sorry for this. I guess we should change the documentation for the release in
this respect. Did one of you try the installation with ONLY this
package installed (without previous installation of the gimp-win one?
(E.g. removed the gimp-win one). I only have my development machine
available, it's not a good environment for testing.

Thats what I did, I totally removed the gimp-win gtk-package. Sorry that
I didn't make that clear...
One "annoyance" of the glade-gtk-package is (in my eyes) that it's
default path is c:\gtk\ - I liked x:\Program Files\Shared files\ much
more, I could imagine that many unexperienced users will delete the
gtk-directory because they don't know what's it for. Then they will
complain that dia is not running any more. Maybe this is just quark ;)

I guess it would be a good idea to contact Ivan/Jernej/Tor for a
standardization of DLL names.

But I still am unable to get any usable export file:

I'll try to look into this later today. Did you file a bug report for
these problems before?

Sorry, I didn't, I thought it would be in the list of fixes from 0.96.0
to 0.96.1 *sigh* What information is necessary for the bug report?

With kind regards,
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