Re: [gnome-settings-daemon] datetime: Remove datetime D-Bus mechanism

Le 20/01/2012 17:50, Bastien Nocera a écrit :
In about 40 minutes, I created a binary RPM[1] that contains the 3
services we care about in GNOME from the systemd Fedora package. I
believe you do something similar.
Thanks, that works but is not really optiomal (i.e that could easily lead to a non well maintained,half broken systemd in Ubuntu because it has been packaged by people who care only about the services and not about the other features from systemd).

But anyway from a distributor perspective this specific problem is orthogonal to the discussion:
- the issue is not Debian,Ubuntu specific
- the issue is not that distributors have work to do to integrate GNOME
- nobody asked you to solve integration issues for downstreams

What as a downstream we would like is early communication from the project on what platform requirements will be added so we have time to do our work and deliver a good GNOME experience to our GNOME users.

Sebastien Bacher

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