Re: Feature Proposal - Sushi

On 16 May 2011, at 12:18, Luca Ferretti wrote:

> Also, what about content handler/previewer? I remember this similar
> feature on mac os provides a dedicated API and policy allowing third
> parties to provide their own "previewers" (i.e. gimp should/could
> provide the plugin to allow previewing of xcf files)

On that note, one of the most useful things about the OS X equivalent (QuickLook) is that it comes with plug-ins out of the box for third-party apps that you don't necessarily have installed. 

In particular, this makes it possible to view the content of most simple .doc, .ppt, .xls files etc. without ever having to install any office software (Microsoft's or otherwise). It would certainly be great to see that functionality in GNOME, as I'm sure a lot of people (like me) only ever really use Libre/OpenOffice to read the occasional annoying .doc attachment.


CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer     Oracle Corporation Ireland Ltd.
mailto:calum benson oracle com         Solaris Desktop Team             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

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