Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was Re: GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]

On 13 May 2011 09:49, Sergey Udaltsov <sergey udaltsov gmail com> wrote:
>> capplet only supports clone) and are very pleased that we can drop in
>> new capplets because it installs the library headers...
> Thanks, Ross, for illustrating the real downstream POV. Do I understand it
> right that gnome3 approach to g-c-c extension (patching only) is going to
> make your life harder but would not stop you from putting your bits into
> g-c-c?

Hypothetically speaking, we'd have to patch g-c-c to install the
headers so that the out-of-tree capplets that we have could be built.

As someone who works on a platform heavily based on GNOME
technologies, the ability to build capplets out-of-tree is incredibly
useful.  I can understand the desire for the preferences panel to not
be a random collection of apps, but I'd be surprised if any
distribution that does real customisation of the platform will get by
without patching g-c-c at all.


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