On 08/05/2011, Jasper St. Pierre <
jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
> 2011/5/8 Erick Pérez <
erick red gmail com>
>> First, the word 'service' here give the wrong impressions that the
>> Dictionary have to be running, and that's not what I meant, not even a
>> dictionary module.
> What registers the association if not running code?
>> On 08/05/2011, Jasper St. Pierre <
jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
>> > OK, let's take your first example: Evince + Dictionary
>> >
>> > Let's imagine your system exists, along with the Dictionary service
>> that's
>> > registered with it.
>> >
>> > Would this act upon specific things? So... the Dictionary registers that
>> for
>> > a "WORD", it has the ability to "Look up on GNOME Dictionary"
>> For 'Word' or 'Text', Dictionary can 'Show Definition'
> Sure, OK, so evince looks for "applications that can handle words", and the
> service replies "well, the Dictionary can look up a word, that's an option".
> "Your web browser can search for the word"...
> So this is a very specific concept based around some data, and a known piece
> of information about the data, and getting context-sensitive results about a
> piece of data.
>> > And then, when right-clicking, along with the usual results, evince
>> would
>> > try and send out to the service "What are all the things that you can do
>> > with a WORD?"
>> Not when right clicking. Evince will check at start-up for things it
>> will be interested on, for instance, which app can 'handle text' or
>> 'lookup word definitions', or 'handle image', or anything else,
>> Then on right click there will be and item which will cal dictionary
>> the way it should be to show the window with the definition. and
> Why at startup?
> "handle text" and "handle image" are completely different than "lookup word
> defintitions"
> If we want collaboration between apps, we need a very specific list of
> actions that an app can register for, and that an app can search for. Having
> "lookup word definitions" is completely useless for that, because I doubt
> anything besides the dictionary service will implement it.
> D-Bus already has the concept of interfaces, so if you wanted to search for
> an application that implemented "lookup word definitions", you'd make a new
> "org.gnome.Dictionary" interface wtih "LookupWord" or so, define a
> signature, and then have applications implement and use that.. D-Bus will
> automatically reroute to whatever it thinks is the correct application --
> anything implementing the D-Bus interface is fair game, so it's not quite
> the same "gnome-dictionary".
> Suggesting something that can gather all these interfaces given the query
> "what are some things I can do with a word" could be useful, but we'd need
> to design the data types so that the service can actually be useful for
> everyone.
> Erick
>> --
>> El derecho de expresar nuestros pensamientos tiene algún significado
>> tan sólo si somos capaces de tener pensamientos propios.
>> El miedo a la libertad, Erich Fromm