Re: Gnome Feature Request

First, the word 'service' here give the wrong impressions that the
Dictionary have to be running, and that's not what I meant, not even a
dictionary module.

On 08/05/2011, Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
> OK, let's take your first example: Evince + Dictionary
> Let's imagine your system exists, along with the Dictionary service that's
> registered with it.
> Would this act upon specific things? So... the Dictionary registers that for
> a "WORD", it has the ability to "Look up on GNOME Dictionary"
For 'Word' or 'Text', Dictionary can 'Show Definition'

> And then, when right-clicking, along with the usual results, evince would
> try and send out to the service "What are all the things that you can do
> with a WORD?"

Not when right clicking. Evince will check at start-up for things it
will be interested on, for instance, which app can 'handle text' or
'lookup word definitions', or 'handle image', or anything else,
Then on right click there will be and item which will cal dictionary
the way it should be to show the window with the definition. and


El derecho de expresar nuestros pensamientos tiene algún significado
tan sólo si somos capaces de tener pensamientos propios.
El miedo a la libertad, Erich Fromm

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