Re: Appearance properties

On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 09:36 -0500, Jud Craft wrote:
> > I think most of the anger in this thread stems from the fact that "it's
> > changed". Well, progress comes through changes, and nothing was ever
> > achieved with status quo.
> >
> > Maybe we'll change our minds later, but without compelling arguments,
> > it's hard to make a case for reverting this change now.
> And the new change is not merely all:  apparently you're also taking
> away the capability to change back.

No, we're taking away one of the UIs for it. Read the beginning of the
thread again.

> Change is a lot easier to push when you can offer a comfort zone to
> temporarily revert it.  It's not like icon and toolbar style are
> mission-critical-required to be locked in stone, so removing the
> ability to change back was arguably excessive.
> Unless casual users are going to band together and make their own
> tweak program, or alter GConf keys, or some nonsense like that.  I'm
> fine with the new style, but I find that assumption ("we can remove
> that, and tell users to just hack around us if they don't like it!") a
> little ridiculous.

I didn't tell anyone to hack around it. There's a (bad) UI for reverting
the change called gconf-editor. If it's not good enough, people can add
features to gTweakUI or write their own.

At the end of the day, we're making the changes for the majority of
users. And I'm pretty sure those who want to find their icons back for
menu items, etc. will be able to find a way to change it back without us
having to compromise for them.

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