Re: Empowering platform developers [Was: GUnique]

Richard Hughes wrote:
No stick taken :-) For me, is the dependency issue. Can gtk+ depend on
DBUS? If the answer is yes, then the decision is a no-brainer - put
libguniqueapp into gtk.

Remember the question isn't just "can it depend" but how, cf.

My opinion (fwiw, maybe not much) is that the X11 backend of GDK should have an optional dependency on dbus, since dbus is how we're proposing you canonically do certain things on the platform (while on win32 these things might be canonically done with syscalls or COM but not with dbus, since on win32 dbus is not the "native" API).
By optional I mean both compile-time and runtime:
 - check for HAVE_DBUS similar to the checks for various X extensions
 - at runtime, continue in some way if the session bus is not running,
   perhaps minus certain functionality or falling back to X hacks


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