Re: Proposal: gnome-main-menu for inclusion in GNOME 2.18

On 10/20/06, Rodney Dawes <dobey novell com> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-10-20 at 13:04 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Where should bugs be filed?  I don't see a component in gnome
> bugzilla.  I suppose one should be created.

Just for the record, you don't e-mail them directly to the person who's
name appears first in the about box. We do need a bugzilla product
for this. I would have made one, but someone stole all my perms away.

Short answer: See for
directions (that page is also linked from the browse.cgi summary of
any product, fwiw).

Long answer about the permissions: The 'editcomponents' privilege in
bugzilla used to be a big mess.  Adding new
versions/milestones/components for every product was too much work for
the bugmasters, but we didn't want to give it out to everyone (it also
meant people could modify other peoples' products and create/destroy
them as well).  So, we fixed the mess (in GNOME bugzilla; it's not yet
upstream) by making editcomponents means that the individual could
create/delete/modify versions/milestones/components of the modules
which they are marked as developer of, and then gave editcomponents
out to everyone marked as a developer automatically.  New products is
a rare enough event that the bugmasters can handle that (well, should
be able to, we're a bit behind right now; I need to find another
sucker to volunteer to handle it).  So, your permissions bits in
bugzilla haven't actually changed; just their definition has.  ;-)

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