Re: opening a program with the middle button

On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 10:03 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:

> > What do you think about it?
> Mozilla allows you to bookmark groups and open several pages at once.
> Perhaps we need a way to create a launcher which launches more than one
> program?  (I guess you could do that using a script.)

Anything that would require programming would not be very user friendly.
I wonder if something like "launcher group" or something where you can
create a launcher that runs many programs in sequence with the option of
having  each application start depending on whether the last application
actually ran.

The value is still somewhat questionable in creating such a thing.  I'm
not sure if many people would use such a thing.  Sometimes I wish we
could add such features via plugin for some enterprising 3rd party to


Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>

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