Re: ALInex - ADSL Modems - Portugal

On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 18:16 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Gwe, 2005-12-30 at 17:17 +0000, Luis Rodrigues wrote:
> > 1: if the firmware is not installed show the dialog to the user
> >    if it is hal will load it
> Load it meaning "place it on disk in the right place" ?

Yes,  /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware if I remember correctly.

> > 2: setup the modem (run br2684ctl, change some options on /proc, ...)
> > 3: need to dial the concection (using network-admin??)
> In the Fedora case 2 & 3 are handled by the supplied supporting scripts
> and the system-config-network tool. Might be useful to look at how that
> is done in case there are good ideas for making network-admin handle it
> nicely.
Ok, I will take a look at how that is made.

> > 4: have a nice dialog showing we are connected (network-admin, an
> > applet??)
> Also probably bytes sent/received. At least in the UK some of our
> providers now offer cheap but volume limited connections...

In Portugal we also have that. Here they give us a lot of national
traffic and little of international :(
> Alan


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