Re: dbus and GNOME 2.8

jamie wrote:

Well SQLite is not an RDBMS - yes its a database but nothing more. If
all we want is dumb data storage then yes SQLite is all we need but the
biggest advantage of having an RDBMS with stored procedures and triggers
is that we can centralise business rules for the data in order to
protect its integrity and avoid additonal coding effort by duplication
of said business rules in multiple clients (the clients become thin
clients which are quicker to code and less buggy as a result).

The clients also become largely the same, being utterly constrained by the "business rules". The desktop database should be a shared, indexed data storage, nothing more; having it enforce constraints like "no two appointments may overlap" is massive overkill with no end-user benefit -- what if the user actually wants to schedule two appointments at the same time? This isn't a database that needs to be shoehorned into a cookie cutter business environment; instead, it needs to be small, fast, zero-config, and easy to work with that gnome users and developers can mold to their needs.

Firebird may well fit the bill, and it seems like a fine database. SQLite is significantly more lightweight, while imposing more necessary logic on the wrapper API (type conversions, mainly). Also, firebird's license is similar to the GPL, so it would probably need to be wrapped in a daemon to be usable for apps on the desktop (I could be wrong). Has it been decided that a RDBMS is needed at all?

	- Vlad

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