Re: An object Oriented File Manager Design

On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 09:00, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) wrote:
> Sean Middleditch wrote:
> >I agree whole-heartedly with this.  Even a technical user can be lost
> >without knowledge of what options are available.  A technical user has
> >the advantage of experimentation and previous knowledge - we know what a
> >context menu is, and have a good chance of thinking "hey, what does the
> >context menu give me?"  Untrained, unexperienced, or unwilling-to-learn
> >users aren't going to do this.  It's that last groups that's the biggest
> >pain in the ass, yet I find myself having to do with them the most doing
> >support (then, that isn't surprising in after-thought).  These people
> >need the cues and guidance on how to go about the task they are trying
> >to accomplish, and not be forced to really on understand of desktop
> >paradigm.
> >
> Well, to add flames to the fire, why don't we seriously consider popping 
> up the context menu when holding the primary mouse button too?  That 
> way, you can provide a simple status bar message "Click with the mouse 
> to select an item; keep the mouse pressed (or use Ctrl+F10) to see 
> options for that item".  That's a visual, and if it helps not provide a 
> menu bar or unclutter it, I'd vote for it.

Ugh, well, I had a good response to this with examples and explanations,
but Evolution crashed and ate it (I'm testing 1.3), and I'm not typing
it all up again. ;-)

So, to sum up, a) delays/timeouts are not accessible, and b) context
menues still are a crappy UI since they are not consistantly available,
and do not provide reliable behaviour/functionality.

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