Re: Awesome new Mozilla roadmap!

On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 21:12, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> KDE does it because KDE *can* deliver first-class browser.
> AFAIK, it's the best browser on the market, if you count both 
> standards-compatibility and ability to render pages designed for MS IE.

Some anecdotal evidence: I've used Safari on a Mac, and there are some
pages that are _not_ rendered correctly. They are edge cases, although
it can occasionally make a site unusable. I have not come across any
pages Mozilla could not render for a long time. khtml gives the
impression of being where mozilla was about 8 months ago.

A lot of the Mozilla code is cludge to make IE-designed pages render
properly - khtml is not the only browser that has to do this.

> On the other hand, Mozilla team can't deliver good browser even after 5 years 
> of work.

Try :-)

> So, it's rather stupid to discuss wether GNOME should have Galeon or 
> Epiphany.
> If you want nice GNOME - than GNOME *should not* have Gecko-based browser!

Apart from gecko is a good rendering engine, at least equal to khtml for
rendering complex web pages. (khtml may have an edge for simple webpages
in yelp/devhelp etc.)

Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>

"If we eventually have the ubercool component system - based on Bonobo, or
something else - then great, we can then proxy it over IIOP, D-BUS, SOAP,
and morse code." -- hp

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