Re: [Deskbar] The future of Deskbar

On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 11:00 +0200, Sebastian P�erl wrote:
> Stuart Langridge wrote:
> >> > Stuart has a point here.
> >> > I think our default behavior should be to enable new handlers found
> >> > under ~/.gnome2/deskbar-applet (because if they are there it means the
> >> > use just put them there, and tha means he want to try them, i guess)
> >> >
> >> But what if some evil program puts a file there and it gets executed
> >> automatically. We should at least ask the other what to do and not just
> >> load  the new handler without any notification.
> >
> > Any evil program that can write to that folder could just do the evil
> > thing itself if it wanted to. That doesn't really buy anything, I
> > don't think. As Raf noted, Ubuntu take a similar approach with
> > daemons; if you installed it then the assumption is that you want it
> > to run, and a program that can imitate you to the extent that it can
> > write to your handlers folder can do anything that you can do already.
> >
> You're absolutly right. Therefore, you convinced me.

Ok, I can see where this discussion is heading (argh! ye have me

Therefore I suggest a compromise. Make a sane installation mechanism in
the pref ui - besides the NewStuffManager. I have never liked the idea
of people having to drop files in ~/.gnome2/deskbar-applet/handlers.

Maybe just dropping a file (with py,tgz,tbz2 etc) onto the handler list?
This would just copy/extract to g2/db/handlers, and then auto enable.
This is much like the theme manager, so people should be used to this.

So? Compromise? :-D


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