Re: [Deskbar] The future of Deskbar

Hi !

>         I don't think enabling 3rd party handlers by default is a good
>         idea, too. 
>         Maybe we could mark newly installed handlers in the
>         preferences window. I
>         personally like the way SLED does it with newly installed
>         applications.
>         There's a categorie at the top that says newly installed
>         applications.
> Maybe bubbling something up in the notification area, with a
> notification bubble "New extension available: <ext_name>"? Clicking
> the notification icon brings up the pref dialog...

Stuart has a point here.
I think our default behavior should be to enable new handlers found
under ~/.gnome2/deskbar-applet (because if they are there it means the
use just put them there, and tha means he want to try them, i guess)

This will be similar to debina/ubuntu policy. When you install a daemon,
then it is automatically added and started on boot. Because if you
install it you likely want to use it.

The bubble idea is ok, but i fear it might not give real valuable info,
and just clutter libnotify area ? Maybe not, i think we have to test
this !

And also integrate newstfuff manager with libmathusalem.


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