Re: [Deskbar] The future pf Deskbar

On Sun, 2006-09-10 at 18:36 +0100, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> A thought about installing new handlers: I think it'd be good to have
> a newly installed handler automatically be enabled. Instead of having
> just an enabled_handlers key in gconf, have an enabled_handlers and a
> disabled_handlers; any handler you find that isn't in either when you
> load handlers, add it to enabled_handlers. It's a pretty safe bet that
> if someone installs a handler (instead of it being one of the ones
> that comes with deskbar) then they want to use it, and I had a bug
> report on my just-released Units handler saying "it doesn't work",
> when it turned out that they hadn't enabled it.

Sorry for the late reply - I'm finding it a bit hard to get time for
both writing mails and writing code atm :-D

Well, I see your point, but I'm not really exited about enabling third
party handlers without the user obviously changing a deskbar pref.

I would like to hear a few other opinions about this... Raph, Nigel,
Seb, <your_name_here>?


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