Re: Call to test CVS


On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 20:26 +0100, Rafał Próchniak wrote:
> 1. I had to delete files from /etc/xdg manually to make it possible to
> enable/ disable beagle on start-up. So the files in ~/.config work ok.

Hmm, so this still isn't working as designed?  Autostart should be on by
default with the files installed into /etc/xdg/autostart, and those
settings overridden by changes written to ~/.config/autostart.

> 2. I've seen this twice, so maybe there's something into it: when I
> opened beagle-search from the notification area for the first time after
> log in, no indication of indexing showed up. After I quit and started
> beagle-search again (also with --icon), the box was there.

Do searches work?  I think this might be a problem of beagle-search
starting before beagled and not establishing a connection right away.
Check your beagled logs for the "Sending indexing status change"

> 3. The amount of files and emails indexed is different than with last
> week's cvs. Is it possible that it was caused by reindexing by previous
> versions?

This is probably because of the changes to the archive filter to only
index up to 30 items for now.  Unless this is off by a huge factor.

> And a question about inotify. I created a document when beagled was
> disabled. I opened, changed and saved it while beagled was running
> again. But for beagle to find it I had to wait until it crawled the
> folder the file was in. Is it expected behavior? 

Unfortunately yes.  Beagle only sets up inotify watches on a directory
once it has crawled them.  Way back we used to set up inotify watches at
the start, but we stopped that because we had to walk the whole
filesystem at the start, which was punishing on the disk and slow, and
we were going to have to crawl that directory at some point anyway to
find any changes between the last shutdown and now.


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