Re: epiphany frontend updated

On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 19:53, Lee Willis wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 10:41, Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> > I've rewritten the patch for Epiphany as a plugin, but it's still
> > against 1.0.x.  I think it'd be better to modify it to work as
> > an extension for 1.1.x then have a straight patch.
> I'd agree - I've fired off an email to the epiphany guys to get some
> info on the new extensions stuff - we'll see where that gets us to.

As you've noticed it isn't very well documented at this stage.  I
did lots of grepping of the source code to find the hooks when
I wrote the 1.0.x plugin.

> > If you want to have a look in at the plugin as it stands, it is
> > in the ephyplugins module on Savannah.  See 
> >
> > For details (search for Epiphany).
> OK - got it. Thanks.

What I forgot to say is it's in the gnome-2-4 branch.

> > I've been meaning to work on Ephy 1.1.x stuff, but I've had some
> > issues compiling Gnome 2.5 on my machine.  I now have Garnome
> > working, but Ephy 1.1.1 crashes as soon as I try to run it...
> > Who knows, maybe one day it'll work for me.
> Hmm - my garnome is currently building Mozilla - hopefully ephy will
> work after that and I'll be able to move this forward ;)

Well, my Ephy is compiled, but it's still broken.  :(

Andrew Ruthven
Senior Systems Engineer, Actrix Networks Ltd   -->
At Actrix puck actrix gen nz
At Home:  andrew etc gen nz

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