I'm trying to move the rhythmbox backend over to use the Amazon APIs
which on the face of it looks like it should be fairly straightforward.
However, I've got their .wsdl file, and tried running it through wsdl to
produce a .cs file, but all I got was a file that contained a number of
errors like:

// WARNING: Could not generate operation KeywordSearchRequest.
Referenced type 'urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService:KeywordRequest' not found
// WARNING: Could not generate operation BrowseNodeSearchRequest.
Referenced type 'urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService:BrowseNodeRequest' not
// WARNING: Could not generate operation AsinSearchRequest. Referenced
type 'urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService:AsinRequest' not found

Next step was to grab a .cs file that was generated elsewhere for this
.wsdl. I downloaded one, but I can't get it to compile, it fails with
the error:

mcs -g -target:library -r:glib-sharp.dll -r:gdk-sharp.dll
-r:gtkhtml-sharp -r:gtk-sharp.dll -r:gnome-sharp.dll -r:System.Web
-r:../util/drive/drive.dll -r:../util/rdf/rdf.dll
-r:../engine/dashboard.exe -out:AmazonSearchService.dll
AmazonSearchService.cs(39) error CS0246: Cannot find type

The offending line is:

    public class AmazonSearchService :
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {

I thought this was supported in mono already, anyone know if I'm wrong?
(Would I be better asking on the mono list?)

Lee Willis                                lee leewillis co uk

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