Re: [BuildStream] Gitlab Proposal: new label: 'paper-cuts'

On Mon, 2018-08-13 at 18:32 +0100, Laurence Urhegyi via BuildStream-list wrote:
Hi again and apologies for my late response here.

On 08/08/18 17:46, Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:
The main problem are not the labels that are not being used. The
real problem are the ones that only a subset of people end up using
consistently, every time.

The boards are only useful if everybody is strict in the usage of
labels. Otherwise additional management effort is required. We
agreed that my proposal was manageable with our available time
because we could afford managing the labels when the engineers
don't. With this dynamic, we will not be able to keep the boards
healthy. So the WIP visibility will suffer. The whole idea of using
the ticketing system in a more intensive way falls apart.

So let me be clear about my ground position: I am convinced we have
way more than we need, that the current trend is harmful because we
are adding hidden costs, and that ignoring them on behalf of
convenience is nothing but demonstrating we have learnt very little
from previous experiences.  I will stop fighting against this
dynamic, so feel free to propose and add all the labels that might
be needed.

I have set up corporate tools, like ticketing systems, I have been
responsible for them, for their costs, for migrating them, for
their failures, the complains.... I will do my best to keep the
boards healthy. When I cannot, I will say so, I will take a step
back and somebody else will have to assume my responsibility. And
no, I am not upset nor frustrated. I am simply making clear that I
am erasing the line. Being the Grumpy Grandpa is not in my nature.

Every measure that, in order to work well, requires a proportional
amount of management effort, will fail in any engineering

OK, I see your reasoning and understand :)

I think instead we can just write 'paper cuts' in the description of the gitlab 
issues and then use the search feature to find those tickets.

Hi Laurence,

I do have strong opinions about the labels we use.

Originally I had set it up so that:

* We have prioritized labels, which use solid dark colors
  * These were used to classify blockers, critical, bug, enhancement

* We have labels which indicate topics that they effect, these use
  pale lighter colors to be able to more easily distinguish them
  from the prioritized labels
  * These classify things like, whether these are documentation
    related, performance related, frontend/UI related, logging
    related, etc.

* At all times, there was no exclusivity of labels, i.e. an issue
  can be a bug, critical and a blocker all at the same time.

The boards have added a lot of stuff and I will need to make a round of
triage, specifically I need to make sure the "High_Impact" label
reflects more clearly that the issue is "Critical" - which is the
original label we used for this purpose.

Regarding the "Critical" label, I think the only point of contention is
that Agustin wants to use that word/color for the board we use for
prioritization of work.

The reason why I insist to have a label other than that for classifying
and sorting issues in the main issue lists; is because I don't think it
is honest to pretend that an issue is not "Critical" just because we
don't have the resources to work on it in the immediate future; there
is a use case for both approaches, though.

E.g., when prioritizing issues on the board with
Important/Urgent/Critical, we can take the severity of the issue as a
decent guideline for inputting tasks into this prioritization machine
(i.e. it makes sense to consider High_Impact issues first).

Regarding "paper-cuts", I am also strongly opposed to using a label to
reflect how the issue was discovered.

The issue is either a valid issue or it is not relevant. If the issue
is a bug, there should be some way to reproduce the issue and consensus
that the use case is indeed desirable to support. I don't think it is
relevant at all to classify the issue as an issue that was discovered
in a "dog fooding" project, or by a developer, or by a user.


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