Re: [BuildStream] Gitlab Proposal: new label: 'paper-cuts'


On Wednesday, 8 August 2018 17:30:36 CEST Laurence Urhegyi via BuildStream-list wrote:

I'd like to propose adding a new label to gitlab, named 'paper-cuts'. The idea 
is to label the issues which are discovered as a result of dog-fooding [0]. Open 
to other ideas for the name, of course, but I thought paper cuts was quite nice.

I'm aware that we have a lot of labels already (many which are never used, maybe 
we should cull some after a certain time period? but that is another discussion 
point) and I don't want to over-load the tool. So if there is a better work-flow 
available to capture this then please let me know. Otherwise I will implement 
the label in a week or so if no-one objects.

The main problem are not the labels that are not being used. The real problem are the ones that only a subset 
of people end up using consistently, every time.

The boards are only useful if everybody is strict in the usage of labels. Otherwise additional management 
effort is required. We agreed that my proposal was manageable with our available time because we could afford 
managing the labels when the engineers don't. With this dynamic, we will not be able to keep the boards 
healthy. So the WIP visibility will suffer. The whole idea of using the ticketing system in a more intensive 
way falls apart. 

So let me be clear about my ground position: I am convinced we have way more than we need, that the current 
trend is harmful because we are adding hidden costs, and that ignoring them on behalf of convenience is 
nothing but demonstrating we have learnt very little from previous experiences.  I will stop fighting against 
this dynamic, so feel free to propose and add all the labels that might be needed. 

I have set up corporate tools, like ticketing systems, I have been responsible for them, for their costs, for 
migrating them, for their failures, the complains.... I will do my best to keep the boards healthy. When I 
cannot, I will say so, I will take a step back and somebody else will have to assume my responsibility. And 
no, I am not upset nor frustrated. I am simply making clear that I am erasing the line. Being the Grumpy 
Grandpa is not in my nature.

Every measure that, in order to work well, requires a proportional amount of management effort, will fail in 
any engineering environments.


Best Regards
Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd
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