Re: Many bugs in latest version

Roger <rogerx sdf lonestar org> wrote:

> I respect the fact Mr. Schilling has long been developing cdrtools and
> has in depth knowledge and is also interested in Brasero.  He's just
> trying to protect his hard work.

OpenSource _allows_ you to use other people's work. During the past 30 years I 
know the OpenSource movement, people did honor other people's work when using 
it and mentioned this fact. This is even required by the copyright law.

Not mentioning that somebody used other people's work is one step, but claiming 
not to use other people's work despite it was done is a real social problem.

We need to protect the fundamentals of the OpenSource movement and intervene if 
we see that these fundamentals are endangered. OpenSource lives from 
collaboration and not from people who hide that they collect work from others.

I honor other people's copyright in my software and I only add my copyright 
notice in case that I did add a sufficient level of own creation. I expect the 
same from others.

> Granted, license changes do make people antsy.

It is interesting to see that only the people who did never contribute
complain about a change towards more freedom. Please note that the license 
change in cdrtools was of course discussed by the main contributors before
it did take place.


 EMail:joerg schily isdn cs tu-berlin de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js cs tu-berlin de                (uni)  
       joerg schilling fokus fraunhofer de (work) Blog:

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