> > SkipCount = Playcount * (1 - Score/100)
> This seems backwards to me. A song's Score should be based on the SkipCount (among other things), not the other way around. Currently, the Score calculation is very simple: if you press the "next" (i.e. "skip") button and you've listened to less than half of the song, the skip count increases by one.
> > The idea to use percentage of played songs as Score value is not bad, but
> > the actual Score value only reflects the "mean played length" of a song in
> > percent. It doesn't take into account how often a song has been played.
> I agree that this isn't ideal. I like the suggestion in Bug 638966. Basically, if we treat each song as if it has been skipped once, then playing a song would gradually increase its score toward 100 without ever reaching it. This would keep the score algorithm almost exactly the same, but a song with 30 plays and 1 skip would have a higher score than a song with 1 play and 0 skips.
> Michael
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Freddy-N <
freddy-neumann arcor de> wrote:
>> @ Brian Lucas-3
>> I wonder why there is a SkipCount value in database that never is used in
>> calculation. The skip-event is not triggered after half of the song has been
>> played.
>> I wonder why there is a PlayCount value in database that doesn't contain the
>> count of plays. If I want to know the total count of plays I have to add
>> PlayCount + SkipCount.
>> The idea to use percentage of played songs as Score value is not bad, but
>> the actual Score value only reflects the "mean played length" of a song in
>> percent. It doesn't take into account how often a song has been played.
>> Therefore PlayCount and SkipCount should contain total count of plays and
>> total count of skips in order to get an easy and clearly system to select
>> preferred songs. In TrackInfo.cs the function OnPlaybackFinished() requires
>> a modification.
>> It is also possible to migrate the database without breaking anything.
>> PlayCount = PlayCount + SkipCount
>> SkipCount = Playcount * (1 - Score/100)
>> From now on the values of PlayCount and SkipCount contain their total counts
>> in database.
>> BTW: Miscalculation of Score value results from bugs in event handling. That
>> must be fixed.
>> --
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