Re: [Banshee-List] Problem building 1.5 from source

I was actually about to submit a bug report on this because I have
been noting the same behaviour.  All of my MP3's have embedded tags
(no folder images, etc), and I have to actually double click on the
album for the image to be extracted.

This was not the case previously, so I don't know if something has changed.

Gilbert Mendoza
PGP: 0x7403B303
Email: gmendoza at

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 12:23 PM, rickstone <rhadenstone gmail com> wrote:
> Oh...nice to know.  So if I just leave Banshee open, eventually all my
> artwork will show up without having to play a track?
> Alex Launi wrote:
>> This actually isn't true, it fetches artwork in the background, it's just
>> that when you play a track that album gets prioritised for fetching.
>> Eventually your other albums will get their artwork.

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