Re: [Banshee-List] change cover art with banshee

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:40 PM, p'tit Alain <steiningerinternet wanadoo fr> wrote:
With your idea, I have found something a little more simple : I stored my
album art in the directory of each album (names cover.jpg) : this wasn't
enough for Banshee to replace them with the one it took from I don't know
where (internet I suppose).
But, if you just delete the images of an album stored in /.cache/album art,
then Banshee uses the cover.jpg file the next time the album is read, and
generates automaticly the different size images : you don't have to resize
them with Gimp.

So what I just did is delete ALL the images in the /.cache/album art
directory : Banshee is yet using all my album art (well to be honest, the
truth is : Banshee will be using all my album art after I will have listened
to all my music...)

I believe Tools > Cover Art > Download Cover Art will rescan your library as if you had played every track.
Andrew Conkling

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