Re: [Banshee-List] Replacement for current volume slider

Chow Loong Jin wrote:
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:55 +0100, Christoph Burgdorf wrote:
Well, I think adjusting the volume is one of the common things that a
multimedia software should be able to handle easily. And its not only a
queston of taste but also of usability. To adjust the volume with the
current slider you will need two clicks and one dragging action while
you would need only one dragging action with a horizontal slider. To see
the current volume you need two clicks instead of zero clicks with a
horizontal slider.
Ever tried scrolling while hovering over the button? I think it's cool
like that already =)
Do you really think a normal user would think about scrolling on a button? I didn't - so thanks for the hint ;) To me the gnome way would not be that bad when the slider would show up as soon as I hover over the button.
Ultimately, I'd think this would be the kind of thing that would
benefit from some HCI studies and should really start on a fundamental
GNOME level before being changed by individual applications;
consistency with the entire desktop has been the biggest argument
against such changes thus far.
I understand that, BUT with banshee 1.4 we have a OSX version ready
while the windows version is on the way. I think banshee should also
think outside the own box. Outside of the GNOME land I havent seen an
audio/video player using something different than an horizontal slider.
Ah, but Banshee is a GNOME app. And that makes all the difference.
You are missing the point. If there is a OSX version and a Windows version it's a Multiplatform App - and the behaviour is specific to gnome.
Also, FWIW, I never use my Banshee/Rhythmbox/Totem sliders, ultimately
using the GNOME system volume control, via the panel applet and/or the

keyboard volume controls on my computer.
For me, its the other way around. I mostly adjust the volume within
banshee trying not to change the global system settings.

I too usually adjust the global controls, and if ever I need to adjust
individual apps, I open pavucontrol. But that's just me using
PulseAudio. I understand that without PulseAudio you'd have to poke
around inside Banshee for volume control.
Again - would a normal user do such a thing? I think not. They were trained to adjust in the app (which is crappy design - but that's the situation we're stuck with).


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