Re: [Banshee-List] Replacement for current volume slider

2009/2/2 Christoph Burgdorf <Christoph Burgdorf bvsn org>

I meant the category of the bug. But I just looked and it's already set to enhancement. I must have overlooked that somehow.

Ah, gotcha. Good deal. :)

It would be interesting to know if a patch for that would be accepted if it was written (and quality is fine). Am I the only one who dislikes the current volume slider?

Doubtful; I've seen the question come up from time to time for Banshee, Rhythmbox, and Totem. However, I've not seen any conclusive arguments for it one way or the other; a lot of it revolves around taste and opinion.

Ultimately, I'd think this would be the kind of thing that would benefit from some HCI studies and should really start on a fundamental GNOME level before being changed by individual applications; consistency with the entire desktop has been the biggest argument against such changes thus far.

Also, FWIW, I never use my Banshee/Rhythmbox/Totem sliders, ultimately using the GNOME system volume control, via the panel applet and/or the keyboard volume controls on my computer.

Andrew Conkling

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