Re: [Banshee-List] manually adding cover art

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 12:00, julien cubizolles <j cubizolles free fr> wrote:
I'm having some problems adding some "exotic" album/artists cover files.
>From indications given earlier on this list, you need to add a
~/.cache/album-art/$artist-$album.jpg file. From trials and errors, I
found out what to do with non ascii characters : you just need to strip
them. As an example, the title from the last album from islandic band
Sigur Rós (great music btw), titled

Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

Yes, definitely a great album.
(yeah I know, don't ask me to say that aloud) is recognized if spelled :


But they did worse than that. One of their earlier albums is titled


I tried sigurrs-.jpg but it didn't work.

Yeah, I've been having the same trouble, with these particular albums.
Indeed, with the stripping
process, any name consisting only of non-ascii characters would be
"spelled" the same. Why can't we use the full unicode filenames for the
cover art as it's already done for the mp3/ogg filenames ?

Ultimately, there are two related bugs that are also affecting this: Cover art filename spec not parentheses friendly banshee no longer looks for cover.jpg in folder

I think a new one should be filed for the characters used in the cache directory. Would you be able to do that?


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