Re: [Banshee-List] Can i use MySql for a database?

On 12/28/2008 08:50 AM, amrhassan wrote:
The same thing was happening to me on Amarok with sqlite, so i know that
it's not a banshee thing.
No, you don't. It's a reasonable guess but you really don't know. As Aaron said, he has tested much larger databases without any slow down.

Aaron posted some simple instructions to debug your install; you're more likely to get help if you follow them. If I recall he just wanted you to check your sqlite3 version, get a log of Banshee with --debug and --debug-sql enabled and attach to a bug, and upload your database somewhere so he can mess around with it.

It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes or so, and it might really help you and others out!


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