Re: [Banshee-List] Can i use MySql for a database?

Dnia 2008-12-26, pią o godzinie 16:05 -0500, Aaron Bockover pisze:
> Honestly, those symptoms don't sound related to sqlite/your library.
> If all you are doing is clicking "next", nothing much happens DB
> wise...

I once did look into some of banshee's queries. The biggest overhead I
noticed were:

a) shuffling - Banshee calculates RAND() for every record every time
there's a song switch while selecting COUNT(*) and then selecting a
record "... LIMIT RAND() * $count, 1"  would be much faster. Another
approach would be to cache a randomized playlist (and even possibly
display it randomized). Unless that has changed since last time I
checked that, that's something that could definitely see some

b) smart playlists - again - on every song change, the smart playlists
are recalculated just to display their count when we don't want anything
else from them.

amrhassan - try disabling the smart playlist extension (and restart
banshee afterwards, it doesn't seem to stop calculating smart playlists
without that).

Michał Sawicz <michal sawicz net>

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