Re: [Banshee-List] Some gui ideas

Note there is a problem here as well, in that when you rescan or reload
your music library, even if podcasts are separated out nicely, the
~/Music/Podcasts directory is not immune to being reloaded into the
"normal" library, which is mildly frustrating. If an inotify watcher is
added in the future too, I would imagine this would cause problems there
too, unless it's special-cased (which is bad, and should lead to a
user-defined Podcasts location in the end anyways).


On Tue, 2008-12-23 at 01:41 +0100, Michał Sawicz wrote:
> Dnia 2008-12-22, pon o godzinie 15:35 -0800, Sandy Armstrong pisze:
> > My podcasts are downloaded to ~/Music/Podcasts
> When your library is ~/Music.
> That approach gets a bit broken if you have your library on a remote /
> external drive and want to have your podcasts with you at all times.
> I agree with Michael, I'd like separate music / podcast / video library
> dirs.

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