Re: [Banshee-List] upgrading to banshee-0.13

I noticed that too, yeah... I guess it was just using a different config directory. But no, it didn't improve the playback problem, it still crashed on playback.

I emerged banshee and mono with debug as well, but no console output was useful when I ran banshee --debug.

I'm sure that when I start hacking into banshee a bit more I'll find something.


David Nielsen wrote:
On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 13:00 -0400, Christopher Friedt wrote:

I did practically every re-install, as well as revdep-rebuild, etc. Eventually it also erased my banshee.db, but I had backed it up prior to upgrade thankfully.

I went back to banshee-0.12.1, which I have no problems with at all.

ln -s .gnome2/banshee .config/banshee

does that improve things?


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