[RFC] configure options with-gnome, with-gpgme

Hi all,

two questions/suggestions regarding Balsa's configuration…

(1) The *only* use of the --with-gnome option seems to be setting the “Categories” items in the *.desktop 
files.  I.e. it looks as if the description of the option is wrong (“…Use GNOME libraries…”), and couldn't we 
just hard-wire GNOME in the desktop files, or does this trigger any negative side effects?

(2) Using the --with-gpgme option, it is possible to build Balsa without any end-to-end cryptography support. 
 However, IMHO any decent MUA should *always* support cryptography these days (like TLS), shouldn't it?  I.e. 
what do you think about making gpgme a mandatory requirement for Balsa?  We could keep the option for weird 
systems where gpgme-config is installed in an uncommon place, though.

Apart from the security gain, this would remove tons of conditional code.  The only drawback I can think of 
is the slightly larger binary we produce (if that really matters today).

What do you think?


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