Re: Super Nested Threads

On 11/22/2004 07:00:36 AM, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
[ snip ]
What some clients and web forums do is that after the first
level of indenting, a message doesn't indent if it has only
one reply.


  1 message
  2   reply to 1
  3     reply to 2
  4       reply to 3
  5       reply to 4
  6     reply to 2
  7       reply to 6
  8       reply to 7
  9     reply to 2


Hi Mike!

Thanks for pointing that out--I have a version working, and it controls thread-explosion pretty well[1]. I'm attaching a patch for anyone who'd like to try it.

We'd want to leave JWZ threading as is, for the purists (well, it isn't really JWZ's proposal, but it's close), so I guess we'd need to add a threading option--perhaps "JWZ (flatter)"?

While we're on the topic--how about "JWZ (references only)" for a version that leaves out the lunatic "gathering by subject"? I'm for ever losing messages with subjects like "Re: Today's meeting" because they get threaded under decades-old messages with the parent subject!!!



[1] Of course, nothing will control a really convoluted thread except a hard limit!
Index: libbalsa/mailbox_local.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/balsa/libbalsa/mailbox_local.c,v
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -r1.120 mailbox_local.c
--- libbalsa/mailbox_local.c	26 Oct 2004 10:48:36 -0000	1.120
+++ libbalsa/mailbox_local.c	23 Nov 2004 00:21:27 -0000
@@ -626,6 +626,7 @@
 static gboolean lbml_prune(GNode * node, ThreadingInfo * ti);
 static void lbml_subject_gather(GNode * node, ThreadingInfo * ti);
 static void lbml_subject_merge(GNode * node, ThreadingInfo * ti);
+static gboolean lbml_flatten(GNode * node, ThreadingInfo * ti);
 static const gchar *lbml_chop_re(const gchar * str);
 static void lbml_clear_empty(GNode * msg_tree);
@@ -667,6 +668,9 @@
     g_node_children_foreach(msg_tree, G_TRAVERSE_ALL,
 			    (GNodeForeachFunc) lbml_subject_merge, &ti);
+    g_node_traverse(msg_tree, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1,
+		    (GNodeTraverseFunc) lbml_flatten, &ti);
@@ -1091,6 +1095,27 @@
 	libbalsa_mailbox_unlink_and_prepend(ti->mailbox, new_node, node2);
+static gboolean
+lbml_flatten(GNode * node, ThreadingInfo * ti)
+    GNode *parent = node->parent;
+    GNode *child;
+    if (!parent || G_NODE_IS_ROOT(parent) || node->prev || node->next)
+        return FALSE;
+    for (child = node; child->children && !child->children->next;
+         child = child->children)
+        /* Nothing */ ;
+    while (child != node) {
+        GNode *next = child->parent;
+        libbalsa_mailbox_unlink_and_prepend(ti->mailbox, child, parent);
+        child = next;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
 /* The more heuristics should be added. */

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