Re: Hard-coded colors

Am 06.03.04 23:17 schrieb(en) Misu Moldovan:
> I see two solutions:
> 1) no colors for the messages in the headers, only for the icons
> 2) colors can be changed by the user in the preferences

MiÅŸu, I see your problem (and probabely, as there are so many themes,  
you're not alone with that...). Actually, the short description is either  
red or green (bad/good signature). Having a quick look at the prefs, we  
could abuse the color for a bad address (default red) and the color for  
unread mailboxes (default green) for that. Would this be an improvement  
for you? I must admit that adding more options to the prefs looks like a  
bad idea to me, as the dialog is already crowded.


Cheers, Albrecht.

 Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

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