Two problems with new FC3 x86_64 install

I'm upgrading to an Athlon 64 PC running FC3 x86_64. I compiled balsa 2.2.6 for that architecture. I'm running dovecot as the IMAP server on the same machine, and selected Maildir format this time (my old PC uses mbox, so this is a new experience for me).

I now see two issues:

1. Balsa's process hangs around indefinitely after quit.
0   500  7173     1  15   0 192660 35200 184467 S  ?          0:13 balsa
[wriede backup ~]$ strace -p 7173
Process 7173 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0x390a52e620, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL

Google tells me that something similar has been reported before:
(, but I can't find if it has been resolved, or what the fix is if it has...

2. I deliver mail with procmail to Maildir folders, new messages get delivered to for exampe ~/Maildir/.Test/new, but don't get noticed by balsa until Test gets re-opened. Is that normal?

Thanks, Willem Riede.

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