Re: spamoracle & Handling Spam

As you may have noticed from the source, I'm not exactly on the latest Balsa, but I do have a thought I'd like to share on this concept.

Personally, I believe in the "Everything has a specific purpose" line of using/programming.  That's why I intend to continue using Balsa in the future over Evolution (see my goulashware remarks on various sites).  However, it might be possible to create a plugin to configure the utility of choice that can be loaded from the preferences (or current equivelant) dialogue on the rare demand for it.

Now, there's the standing permissions issue, but if the user-ppp problems of yesteryear (well, two years, now) could be worked around without creating a massive compromise to the system, I believe this, too, might do-able.  

I picture that it would ither detect currently installed system and/or have the ability to download whatever appears in the list, thus allowing the user to meet their filter for the first time,  Each one would have properly related configurators, which means custom work, but in theory, it all could be done.

It's just my thought, manipulatable as whomever wishes,


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