Re: colors in mailbox-list

Am 03.08.2003 10:45 schrieb(en) Steffen Klemer:
>> what you suggest makes sense of course, but it's still totally at 
>> will, unrelated to any other behaviour the user might know or 
>> expect. So the problem isn't resolvable as easy.
>> I'd clearly vote to disallow collapsing threads, as that would 
>> eliminate many many usability problems balsa has. One could argue 
>> that with a flat index, you can't minimize the number of messages 
>> anyways, so threading still has an advantage for structuring. But I 
>> don't doubt many people wouldn't want to miss that feature (that's 
>> what I'd expect at least), and I have to respect that.
> Sure, it's a bit senseless feature, but every gui mailer and 
> newsreader I know support collapsings.

first question would be if you can foprbid a gtktreeview to collapse 
subtrees anyways...

> How does the other programs handle such situations

I totally forgot this approach. ;)

> Mozilla Mail for example:
> You can only collaps whole threads (not all the sub-threads alone) 
> and a thread containing unread msgs is underlined.
> The first msg of a thread has a special symbol which gets an arrow if 
> there are unread mails. Also you can mark all mails in this thread 
> with a single click on this icon.
> Outlook Express does it exactly the way we do:
> You can collapse each subthread individually and if it contains 
> unread mails the main-msg of this thread is bold (it looks like this 
> mail would be unread but you can distinguish them because of the read 
> and unread-
> icons - which as an aside note I personally would like to get back in 
> balsa, too.
> Once there was the proposal to avoid have a column for each and every 
> flag and make one column for all flags. ATM you can't sort it after 
> the flags either so the only problem could be screenspace - but these 
> 16 pixels should be there, or?

I'd also vote for more columns, especially one separating (real) 
attachments and gpg-status would be helpful. But then again, I'm on 
1152 and have plenty of space, others might think differently? It would 
help usability for sure.

Darko Obradovic

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