Re: [RFC] : small doc for beginner wanting to test Balsa from CVS

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 10:55, Emmanuel wrote:
> On 19.02.2002 09:24 Pawel Salek wrote:
> > On 2002.02.19 07:01 Rikke D . Giles wrote:
> >> Manu,
> >> 
> >> Two other things I noticed about the beginner's help document:   It 
> >> doesn't mention cvs login.  Mind you, this should be a no-brainer for 
> >> anyone with half a brain (that would seem to not be me).  Also I had to 
> >> type ./ not ./autogen, this one though, I knew about :).
> > 
> > echo " A" > ~/.cvspass
> > 
> > I actually agree that "cvs login" is cleaner way of doing it, 
> > particulary when one has another CVS account already.
> > 
> Humm there you already see my ignorance of CVS. Writing this doc has just 
> showed me the limits of my knowledge in CVS :(
> What procedure should be cleaner ?
> Thanks
> Bye
> Manu

Usually I checkout the tree in one single:

cvs co balsa

and give a valid email for password if it's asked.

At a later time, for updating the tree one just has to go to the just
created balsa directory and do

cvs update

On the other hand if we would like to make a diff from the changes we
made to post on the list do in the directory were the changes were made:

cvs diff -u  

This is my understanding of common cvs use. It's also rather new so I
hope I'm not saying anything wrong.


Jose Fonseca

PS: Manu, don't be so hard on yourself. Your doc is great! ;-)

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